We have a flight going to the US taking 3 adopted animals, but we have room for 2 more! We have 25 cats in our shelter that all need homes. Can YOU adopt one?
I’m doing the export myself after far too many failed attempts at getting flight volunteers, so hopefully my experience doing this for the past decade will make it a smooth trip!
Some of these kitties have been waiting for their homes for 6 years and desperately need out. We have to get as many rescues as possible adopted out in order to close up the shelter as much as we can, leaving only those that are not adoptable or are part of the farm sanctuary. While we are stuck with the high cost of sheltering, we will never be able to focus on opening the vet clinic which is VITAL for all the animals in central Vietnam. We cannot do both and the vet clinic will save exponentially more lives than the shelter.

Finding good homes within Vietnam is extremely difficult as the cats require indoor homes only due to the horrible cat theft problem around the country and the lack of decent vet care nationwide. We are unable to adopt out animals outside of Hanoi and Saigon due to this total lack of competent vets in our region, so getting them to the US would be a big relief. While we know this is not the answer for the major issues we face battling animal cruelty in the US, and there are already millions of cats being put to sleep there, these animals have no choice. We cannot afford to care for them and without adopting homes and vet care here, they have to leave the country.
The cost for adoption is only the price of the transport. The more animals we have, the cheaper the flight will be per animal. Right now, we expect each adoption to be around $500, though that depends on the transport in the US upon arrival to different locations. Within the Southeast US, California, or New England, we already have adoptions there, so we are happy to transport with the other rescues going to their homes.
Please help us get homes for these kitties who have been waiting so long for a family!
We are trying to reduce the costs for everyone adopting so we can get more animals out, so please donate today to our fund to bring Vietnamese shelter animals to their new homes! This helps pay for the ticket to the US and for the costs of ground transport like the rental car for drop offs.
Thank you!