Jackpot is such a handsome dog and so intense. He is absolutely full of life and just the most amazing character and for the right home, he will be the most amazing boy.
Author: Catherine (Catherine Besch)
This very funny lady has always been such an excellent foster mom to kittens because she adores playing with them.
This boy is incredibly sweet and just such a good guy.
Along with his 3 other siblings, he is such a sweet kitty and would love a great family to care for him for the rest of his life.
This guy was dumped at the shelter when he was just a little kitten and has been the center of attention since then.
Shawny is such a sweet cat and would love a great family to care for her for the rest of her life.
This silky lady was born at the shelter with along with her brother Ricky.
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Hoa is a funny lady, truly our weirdest little girl and adored by all.