Author: Catherine (Catherine Besch)


Refuge: Hope and Fur Balls in Central Vietnam

Lucas from Earth & Eats writes about the animal family at VAAR while on 22 Month trip around the world.After a pretty challenging experience in northern Vietnam, which I wrote about in Eating is the Easy Part, I was more than ready to head south, which I had heard was more vegan-friendly.


Interview with Animal Law of Asia

Vietnam Animal Aid and Rescue - U.S. is an organization working to end the exploitation of all species of animals in Vietnam and globally. Vietnam Animal Aid and Rescue - U.S. was among the first organizations to join the Alliance for Animal Law of Asia, an international campaign initiated by the Institute of Animal Law of Asia



Keiki is such a sweet kitty and would love a great family to care for her for the rest of her life.  


Is rescuing animals the answer to ending animal suffering?

How can we do better as a rescue to address the big picture of animal suffering in Vietnam? To start, we need to understand the root cause of animals ending up in rescue to begin with.  The only animals people seem to pay attention to are dogs, so we will use them as an example...

25th February 202116th March 2021In News

The Activists’ Fire

Within any social justice movement, activists will be attacked. They will be attacked for being too outspoken, too violent, and too confrontational. They will be criticized for their use of language, having every single sentence picked apart. They will gain and lose followers for anything seen as too far out there. This is normal when...

27th January 202116th March 2021In News

How can one calf save 300 million cows?

The vital work of farm sanctuaries The animals that receive the most attention, the most funding, and the greatest legal and social protections are those we spend the most time with. These are the dogs and cats who we wake up to, see in our neighborhood, and who end up all over our newsfeeds. But...

24th January 202116th March 2021In News
How did “vegan” become such a dirty word in animal advocacy?

How did “vegan” become such a dirty word in animal advocacy?

What does it mean to be vegan? Being vegan means we do not harm animals to the best of our abilities and with the information we have about the products we consume.  That’s all.  It’s really not any more than that.  We do not harm animals and most importantly, we do not advocate for anyone...

9th November 202016th March 2021In News

Where is all the funding going in the mission to end animal suffering?

Let’s lay some numbers out and you tell me how where you think attention and funding should be in terms of greatest impact for ending animal suffering.  Out of 900 million dogs living on the planet at any given time , 3% of them per year are killed for dog meat globally.  That’s 30 million...

2nd November 202016th March 2021In News

White people snuggling puppies and other non-solutions of welfare organizations in Asia

Puppy snuggling. Doggie walking on beaches. Kitten kissing. Education programs by pretty, young white people to classes of non-white children to learn about aforementioned puppy snuggling and kitten kissing. Volun-tourism at animal rescues for twenty-something Westerners coming to Asia to “find themselves” and try to catch chlamydia on a drunk night in a beach bar....

31st October 202016th March 2021In News
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